Friday, May 17, 2013

Exia Ignition Mode + Repair II/III Resin Conversion Kit Pt. 1

Exia is probably the only suit I like from 00, and even after watching some of it I still feel its pretty much the best from the series. After seeing some builds of it, I knew I had to give it a try. I picked up the ignition mode since it had the LED set up, something I know I'll use once, but something I really wanted. I was lucky enough to find a resin conversion kit on eBay that I felt elevated the suits aesthetic. This being my first time with resin, it seemed a conversion kit would be a nice starting point. 

Wasn't feeling the conversion kits legends of the hidden temple grin. I'll stick to OEM.

2 sets of shoulders. Since the resin kit came with both II and III repair versions. Not sure what ill go with. 

The resin leg parts are going to take more work than I thought. The inside of top armor pieces are solid leaving two options: either drill for the peg to fit or remove the leg peg...we'll see.
 Back skirt parts.
 Weapons next....

The glow.

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