Though it isnt it a main hero mobile suits, the Jesta is one of my favorites. My overall favorite being the RX-93 and its variants (ill post my hi-nu from last year later). I got this kit last year, put it together and took it apart when i thought about removing seam lines. I managed to do just that, but got out of gunpla for a little and it sat until a few weeks ago. After getting back into gunpla after finishing my RX-0 (ill post that later too) I saw the release of the Jesta Cannon. Had to pick one up and get into it. After completing there was no other choice but to finish up the original. Word.
All the parts after paint.
Just finished putting him together tonight, still needs a top coat. Possibly might do some minor weathering.
I managed to lose part of the nade holders on his leg down the sink. One of the perks of working in a design field is having access to a 3D printer (one with bad resolution though). I took the piece i lost and made a copy in solidworks, printed it out and was able to work with it. 7/10...wish it was a better print.
Not bad....
Word up.